Case Study
Project Summary
Cyentist launched a captivating luxury real estate brand for Nick Jordan, leveraging his nursing background to position him as the Nashville RN Agent.
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate
Services Provided
Logo Design
Brand Identity
Brand Positioning
Communications Strategy
Sales Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Personal Brand Consulting
Lead Generation
Sales Funnel
Website Design
Marketing Materials
Client Challenge
As a professional with a dual career in Nursing and Real Estate, Nick Jordan came to Cyentist wanting to shift more of his attention to Real Estate while maintaining his busy nursing schedule. As with most REALTORS®, it was a challenge for him to consistently engage in real estate marketing, mainly because he had limited time and was not concentrating on a specific marketing niche. As a result, he would try different approaches to reach anyone looking to buy or sell a home, but none resulted in finding the clients he wanted. Nick felt disorganized, inconsistent, and uncertain about how to use his available real estate time most effectively. During his Cyentist Pregame Call™️, Nick was adamant about finding a solution to help him avoid burnout that could make him feel excited about marketing himself to his potential clients again.
Based on this information, it became clear that focusing exclusively on nurses and healthcare professionals would provide more than enough opportunities for Nick to grow a thriving real estate business in the city as Nashville’s RN Agent. Next, he moved forward with a Cyentist Game Changer™️ branding intensive, during which we launched a captivating luxury real estate brand for Nick Jordan, leveraging his nursing background to position him as The Nashville RN Agent. We created a stunning logo design that evokes a luxury presence for Nick in the Nashville real estate market.
The brand includes a color palette designed to help Nick command attention in this highly competitive location. Nick is confident about his new real estate website and his new real estate brand positioning. He knows exactly what to do to market himself and how to find real estate clients for his business.
For the website, we focused everything around a compelling lead generation strategy and sales funnel. The business cards, social media content, and marketing materials are designed to complement the brand and bring a consistent look to everything Nick does to promote his services.
Nick Jordan’s underlying communications, marketing, and sales strategies are a closely held secret that will help him gain ground in Nashville and beyond. The Nashville RN Agent brand was launched in three days with a Cyentist Game Changer™️ branding intensive. We are thrilled to share his message and brand with the world.
Cyentist solution
Nick started with a Cyentist Game Plan™️ to establish a clear direction for our work together. During our interactions, we uncovered several differentiators and positioning opportunities Nick could use to gain an advantage and stand out among a sea of Nashville area REALTORS®. In our research for the Cyentist Game Plan™️, we identified an addressable market size of over 30,000 nurses, plus other types of healthcare professionals within the counties surrounding his market. We also discovered that Nashville is considered the healthcare capital of the world.
Logo Design
White Logo Design Variation

Black Logo Design Variation
Name Only Logo Design Variation

Website Design
Brand Color Palette
Business Card Design

Brand Graphics